Sunday, October 11, 2009

How can we, as teachers, provide equal access to the digital world to all students

From the 6th grade teacher point of view:
We as teacher can’t provide equal access to all students – unless we want to limit those who have greater access than the less affluent students. Just like a child who is exposed to a sport at an early age - he will have a distinct advantage over the others who only have what the school can offer. I actually coached a boy in Little League who had a former MLB player working with him to develop his batting and pitching skills outside of the regular practice time and he also had a personal trainer for agility training to help him to be quicker. Should I have discouraged his parents from paying for these extra services? Of course not, the same goes for the classroom.

I can’t expect a student to partake in a wiki if he can’t access the Internet at home, so I may have to use class time if I expect all students to collaborate on a group project. But, if some student wants to produce a multimedia object using Garageband, Sony Vegas or Hyperstudio for a class presentation I wouldn’t want to limit what they can use to just the Open Office suite. All the free software is a big help to level the playing field, but the situations at home make it a difficult to keep all students in the same game. We can’t expect a student to produce a varsity presentation with jayvee resources.

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