Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chap 7 “Making a Contribution” and Chap 11 “Learning at Your Service”

The Internet is such an incredible resource for learning, but I often wonder where do these people get the time to make all these videos or post these blogs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the information is out there, but I work two jobs while I’m attending grad school and I have my two teenage boys to taxi around or coach their youth teams. All the stats about how many videos etc are out there, what about the hours it takes to produce and upload these things?

I’m always trying to save a buck so here are a few of my latest You Tube adventures: I recently made a rain barrel for my wife’s garden – got the step by step how-to from a HGTV video posted on You Tube. I bought an Iphone on ebay and was able to unlock it (so I could use it with our T-mobile family plan) by reading a few postings and watching a couple You Tube videos. I have also explored the possibility of providing electricity to my barn by placing solar panels on its roof. I also researched converting a Toyota Tercel from gas to electric. Some guy in Maine has a site with step-by-step videos of his conversion of the same car I received this spring from a friend (a 94 Tercel) … amazing!

I have never been a big social network person, but I do like the idea of using wikis to have students collaborate. I saw the wiki camping video at a tech workshop last year – It’s worth showing in class.
Another part of me is concerned how much time my oldest son spends updating his facebook page. I did hear on a podcast last week that the University of Tennessee football coach Les Miles shuts down his Twitter account during the season because it became too much of a distraction. I may have to limit my sons’ time on Facebook once his basketball season starts. Charles Barkley had this to say during the Dan Patrick Show about people who follow celebrities on Twitter “…"People who sit around and worry about what some celebrity is doing ... that's just ignorant to me,"

I’m just not in front of a computer enough during the day nor do I plan on paying the extra money for a data plan for my phone anytime soon. Heck, I just finally broke down and got a cell phone this summer. So at this time I don’t see myself using Twitter very often. I do realize that Twitter can come in handy with recruiting student athletes to SNHU and someone on the coaching staff should tweet on a regular basis to recruits – that’s of course if it’s not an NCAA violation.

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